Due Process

Nobody asked but … A drone that executes Americans is no more acceptable than cops who truncate due process.  We hear people who say that cops know their jobs, but the very term “law enforcement” includes the preservation of due process, the very oath includes upholding of ALL of the Constitution.  — Kilgore Forelle


Nobody asked but …  We need to “reconfigure” the mindsets of all those computer nerds who are disciples of whoever thought up “reconfiguring.”  He/she was just a person. We users, however, are in the 100s of millions.  If I were hopeful of making a living as a computer nerd, I would cater to the 100s…

Voluntaryism is Stupid

Nobody asked but … Today I was searching the Web for a good definition of voluntaryism (finding several) to create a link in my friend Verbal Vol’s column for this week.  The search engine performed admirably until I saw its suggested other searches in the right margin.  Number 1 on the list was “Voluntaryism is…

Summer Invasion

Nobody asked but … I had thought that news of this cataclysm was generally known, but I found out in a recent Facebook squabble that it is not yet so.  My wife and I and our neighbors must endure a home invasion in our little farming corner, annually.  Hordes of uninvited guests cover our hillsides.…

Preserving the Unkeepable

Nobody asked but … Statists, those who would preserve the unkeepable, cannot account for things which are not directly accountable. They deceive themselves and others by choosing to account for that which confirms their bias.  That which they wish to obfuscate they make complex.  They deal in acronyms, like GNP and CPI.  They generate mystery. …