Cincinnati II

As a matter of general principle, I believe there can be no doubt that criticism in time of war is essential to the maintenance of any kind of democratic government … too many people desire to suppress criticism simply because they think that it will give some comfort to the enemy to know that there is such criticism.


Nobody asked but … It has been a long time, but as usual I enjoyed Cincinnati tremendously.  Cincinnati was one of my influences in my youth.  It was the largest city within reach of my Kentucky home, and it, along with Boston, was among my two favorite European-style American cities.  When I graduated from college,…

Cry Wolf

I, too, have great disdain for the MSM, but it is because of their incompetence, laziness, and disincentives toward accuracy, not that they are deliberate liars.  POTUS’s drone about “fake news” sounds like the boy who cried “wolf,” with a twang of unfounded self-righteousness.

The Golden Rule

I don’t get it.  Isn’t the Golden Rule simple and straightforward enough?  I heard a young girl in the Ophthalmologist’s waiting room this morning, “Why can’t people just treat each other as they would like to be treated?”  There’s the confusion — why do people suspend the Golden Rule?