
Which is the lesser of two evils — having a lesser evil in public office or having a greater evil moaning about losing?  If the candidate who was the greater of two evils loses thereby, doesn’t that outcome represent a lesser of two evils?

The Balfour Declaration

November 2 marks the 100th Anniversary of Great Britain’s Balfour Declaration.  In 1917, PM Arthur James Balfour wrote a letter to Baron Walter Rothschild  declaring support for a Jewish homeland to be carved out from Arabic territory.  Why is it that the British feel so comfortable with this kind of mapmaking? 

Secession / Unification

Nobody asked but … I know how I feel relative to the problem in Catalonia.  I favor Catalonian Independence. But it makes me really examine how I feel about separatist situations in general. I look first at the situation with the province of Ulster in Ireland, a province that was broken out and retained by…