Information That Matters

Paul Saffo remarked that Samuel Johnson identified two types of information, that which you knew and that which you knew how to get.  Saffo continues that in light of the Internet, Worldwide Web, and technology, we are now cursed with a glut of information, so we need a third type of information — that which matters. 


I went to a “consolidated” high school.  Franklin County Consolidated High School still bore that label when I transferred to it, in its second year.  The process adjective was soon dropped as the little previous schools were forgotten.  Names like Elkhorn, Bald Knob, Thornhill, Peaks Mill, and Bridgeport preceded that ugly, stark consolidated moniker.  Economies of scale were sought.  Franklin County beefed up its bus fleet, too.  Many students now spent more than an hour a day riding on buses.

Tone Deaf in a Bubble

Maybe POTUS isn’t metaphorically tone deaf, but I doubt it.  He gets an idea, ignores significant negative feedback, reiterates the idea, does not retreat from the idea.  Then he assembles a group of traumatized students and does a focus group on his ideas, doing all the talking, not listening.  He is not interested in feedback, he is interested in appearing as though he is seeking feedback.  Actually, he’s in a bubble, and no one else knows what movie is showing on the screen inside the bubble.

Book Lists

When you task a dozen people over 50 with the idea of each picking her or his favorite novel, you need to get ready to get dozens of titles added to your reading list.  Most of us, between 60 and 90, come from some of the last reading generations. 

A Vanishing Point

I worry about the degree to which we let things get out of control, plunging to a vanishing point.  In Douglas High School, in Parkland, Florida, we built an optimum security detention center for more than 3000 inmates.  What could go wrong?  Well, if a number equal to 1% of the day detainees of the school were of a bent similar to that of Nikolas Cruz, that means at least 30 potential perturbers are related to the school at a given moment.