I think my life would be easier if I lived in a less expensive city than Los Angeles.
I’m glad to be living in Los Angeles.
I think my life would be easier if everyone agreed with my opinions.
I’m glad to have friends who disagree with my opinions.
I think my life would be easier if I didn’t have the responsibilities that come with running a business.
I’m glad to be running a business.
I think my life would be easier if I didn’t make time to write this blog post today.
I’m glad I’m writing this blog post.
I think my life would be easier if…
You get the point: “Easier” isn’t necessarily “better.”
It doesn’t feel easy when you’re being stretched, but that’s precisely how we develop the ability to stay loose. The alternative is becoming uptight, rigid, and stiff. How’s that for having it easy?
I can’t tell you what makes for a good life, but I can tell you what makes for a good person: it’s the ability to adapt in the face of agitation or adversity.
The next time you feel stretched, take it as a personal invitation to become less rigid in your thinking and more flexible with the systems/strategies you use to manage the things that command your attention.