What We Should Do

Nobody asked but … In his speech on the NSA, Obama said this, “But America’s capabilities are unique. And the power of new technologies means that there are fewer and fewer technical constraints on what we can do. That places a special obligation on us to ask tough questions about what we should do.” (emphasis from original speech).  And what…

Logic Fallacies

Nobody asked but … I have a few candidates for inclusion in any standard list of logical fallacies: The Time Bandits’ Fallacy — in this logic misstep, things are taken out of chronological sequence and set up to be causality observations.  Examples are closing the barn door when the horse is gone, pre-crime where actions…

The Unjustice System

Nobody asked but … With the news still ringing in my brain that the Federal DOJ is raiding legal marijuana establishments in Colorado (I was not surprised but I still despair), I wonder how rational humans can attach themselves to something called by some name that has justice in its expression, and still perpetrate actions…