
When will we build a wall to stop the McSkillets of the world?  Why didn’t the heightened activity of ICE keep Rivera away from Mollie Tibbetts?  (Although McSkillet killed three times as many as did Rivera.)  Wasn’t anybody on duty while Manafort stole $ millions? 


We are at the crossroads.  We are at a critical station.  Will we decide to continue on down, down to the kleptocracy?  For awhile, being a robust fledgling nation, we were happy with the richness of freedom without responsibility.

Fake News II

It is an irony that a man, a man without a lot of substance, a man made by the media, is now POTUS.  It is a further irony that we are at this pass because the media manipulated the man, while the man manipulated the media.  Both sets of manipulation continue.

Fake News

POTUS likes to take credit for things that are going to happen anyway.  Thus it is with “fake news.”  Fake news is really incompetent news.  And incompetent news has been around for a long time, as it will be as long as there is news.

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)

We don’t even know where to start, but the idea of making machines like humans is bonkers. There at least 3 disparate ways to go. Shall we replicate the way that the human brain works? Shall we fool disinterested observers into mistaking a machine for a human? Shall we quit playing games and get on with a peaceful coexistence between homo sapiens and the machines that she builds?

What’s Wrong with Due Process?

If there is the slightest question that wrong has been done, only full due process can establish whether the claim is wrong or right. The court of political sentiment is mute. The processes of public opinion are inappropriate. Partisans cannot possibly know what the issues look like from within Mueller’s domain. Even POTUS cannot know.

Be All, End All

There is no entity that can do defense, imperialism, law enforcement, infrastructure, pharmaceutical, diplomacy, security, education, politics, travel, migration, housing, care for the aged, care for the disabled, economics, finance, agriculture, stewardship, and so forth, and so on.