How Siblings Bond

Written by Kelly Bartlett for Parenting From Scratch. The importance of a secure parent-child attachment is not a new revelation; this is what sets the foundation for all future relationships a child will have in his life. But there is also something to be said for security between siblings. A connected relationship between brothers and…

Why Be an Anarchist?

Written by Free Your Kids. Why be an anarchist? Going with the flow would be much easier. The path is far less daunting. If one speaks of ending the state, he is immediately dismissed as naive, out-of-touch, and, quite possibly, a terrorist. So many regard government as sacrosanct. Calling the state immoral is a fine…

Initiation of Force

Written by Harry Hoiles, as published in The Voluntaryist, October 1992. The initiation of force against peaceful people is always wrong. Yet most citizens of our country support this initiation of force when it is used to collect taxes. Why do they do so? Is it because they can’t visualize a government which is voluntarily…

Thoughts on Minarchism

Written by Will Porter for the Independent Register. Minarchists claim that we need to have an institution who levies taxation just for some essential services. They claim that without this agency doing this, we would have all kinds of terrible problems, starving children, etc. Voluntaryists claim that these services would be provided though, through the…

Respect for the Law

Written by Paul Hein for If you have any–that is, respect for the law–you ought to reconsider. We are controlled, after all, by psychology, and the “law” is a key player in the ploy. There is a division of the company called the State that writes down, solemnly, the desires of the company, and…

To See, Yet Not to See

Written by Jim Davies for All governments everywhere depend for their survival on their victim “citizens” failing to see (that is, to understand) what they are doing. In English, to “see” carries both meanings; we can see what they are up to, yet at the same time fail to grasp its significance. It’s an…

Immigration and Freedom

Written by Andrew Napolitano, as published at The right to travel is an individual personal human right, long recognized under the natural law as immune from governmental interference. Of course, governments have been interfering with this right for millennia. The Romans restricted the travel of Jews; Parliament restricted the travel of serfs; Congress restricted…