Your Child, Not Your Property

Editor’s Pick. Written by biglovelittlehouse. My husband was playing with my daughter at the dinner table and was having cute little conversations with her. He tickled her underarm (which she normally thinks is hilarious) and suddenly she said “DON’T tickle me.” And that was that. Wes apologized and told her he wouldn’t. Children are born…

Learning Versus Thinking

Editor’s Pick. Written by Darci Walker. Last night I watched a Ted talk by Jacob Barnett, a 13-year-old genius with Asperger’s. His message? “Forget what you know.” “Stop learning and start thinking.” And, while Jacob’s story begins with how the educational and diagnostic systems that we have in our society were not able to meet…

Bitcoin: The Tyranny Test

Editor’s Pick. Written by Paul Rosenberg. An increasing number of people have complained about governments and central banks in recent years, even using the word “tyranny” to describe them. They are, of course, called names in the establishment press: conspiracy theorists, mainly. Calling someone a name, however, does not erase their argument (at least not…

Remembering The Gift of Presence

Editor’s Pick. Written by Alice Hanscam. Technology has increased our opportunities to accomplish things, as well as increased the things we need to accomplish. And I wonder, at what cost to the important relationships around us? As your attention gets pulled in multiple directions, how are you feeling? Satisfied at accomplishing so much? Energized by…

Libertarianism: How it Works

Editor’s Pick. Written by Paul Miller. Libertarianism is a political philosophy, that has “non-aggression principle” in its basis. Basically the idea is that it is both a) immoral b) counterproductive to use coercion instead of voluntary associations. With this logic, modern governments are aggressors that are not different from burglars and thieves and should be…

A Guide to Practical Compassion

Editor’s Pick. Written by Leo Babauta. If I’ve found two guiding principles in my life, they are contentment and compassion. With these two ideas, life becomes better. Contentment makes every moment better. And compassion makes your connection with others better. What Compassion Is, & Some Difficulties Let’s talk about compassion for a few minutes, because…