“If you take a journey to the place that you are, you will visit many other places. And perhaps, when you find through some long experience that all the places you go are not the place you wanted to find, it may occur to you that you were already there in the beginning.” ~Alan Watts
There are so many of us running, striving, stretching, searching. Looking for purpose and meaning, looking for enlightenment. Trying to find a way in, or a way out. Trying to fix or improve ourselves. “If only I could get in shape.” “If only I could control my temper.” “If only I could be successful.” “If only I had a little more money.” Listen: We have already arrived. For starters, we live in one of, or perhaps the only, great concentration of consciousness in the universe, riding a small but fertile rock. We are surrounded by trillions of companions, (some more sympathetic than others) And while it is true that it is a world of suffering, all suffering (and each sufferer) comes to an end in due time.
Take a moment and rest in what you have. In what is. In who you are.
You are the Universe. You are doing fine.
~Dadosaurus Rex