Abolish The Police (and Then What?)

The completely rational idea of abolishing the police scares some people. They think “But who would I call if someone is breaking into my house in the middle of the night?” Chances are, if that’s happening, it’s a wrong-address police raid and you’re about to be killed, and calling more police to the scene isn’t going to help you. I’m sorry if this news upsets you, but you need to face reality eventually. On the off-chance it’s a freelance thug breaking in, you have better options than calling the police even now.

Defund, Dismantle, and Disavow

Isn’t it odd how an idea which has been around less than 200 years is now imagined by so many people to be essential for civilization. Especially when that institution is utterly antithetical to civilization and society. This societal cancer (or is it a virus?) is said to have begun in London, England in 1829 and spread from there. It should have been smothered in its crib.