Government is a Mafia

To government-supremacists, if you don’t like the gang that controls your neighborhood, don’t try to kick them out, just leave. Leave your property behind, leave your family, leave your friends, leave everything familiar. Because the gang has a better claim to your territory than you do– according to their supporters. And if you resist, their hit men will murder you.

Politics Fears (or Hates) Reality

Reality seems to offend the noisiest people these days. It’s not just that they don’t like it, they want to deny it even exists. And they demand you go along with them. Especially when it contradicts their political agenda. To this way of hallucinating, science isn’t real to them because it has too much “western, white male” influence. It doesn’t lead where they want to go. Nor (the belief goes) can you expect others to behave ethically when that’s not a path that their culture created.

Extended Contact with a Cop

Even if you pretend the legislation enforcers of the Blue Line Gang are somehow good or necessary (they aren’t), if a cop can’t settle a situation in less than a couple of minutes, he needs to just let his victim go. The recent murder of Rayshard Brooks is a prime example. For over 40 minutes the cop kept molesting him, until he couldn’t take it and ran— only to be murdered by the subhuman failure in a badge.

Rioting is Wrong Way to Protest

There’s a correct way to protest injustice and there’s a wrong way. You may have recently noticed people in several big cities doing it the wrong way. Although, perhaps people pretending to side with the protesters were intentionally making the protesters look bad — it’s hard to know which.