Two Worlds—Politics and Everything Else

Political discourse itself is enough to make even a person of moderate intelligence run away screaming. So much ignorance is on display, so much viciousness, so much ill-disguised envy and malevolence, such unscrupulous attempts to take what belongs to other people and redirect it to those who have no just right to it. The stupidity, therefore, is not only an inability to connect real causes and effects, but also moral stupidity, an inability to do what is obviously right and decent, as opposed to predatory and criminal, albeit legal.


I am a member of the collective of those who love our farm, those who love the land of Kentucky, those who love the land of the US, those who love North America, those who love the Americas, those who love the Western Hemisphere, those who love the World, those who love the Solar System, the Milky Way, the Universe, the Universes.

Regret, Remorse, & Resistance

No matter what you choose to do, it’s possible to get stuck in the trap of believing you would have been much happier, healthier, and richer if you had taken the other path. We usually work very hard to avoid regret before making big decisions. “I could do this really practical thing over here, but I’ll regret it forever if I don’t try that really artistic thing over there.” The real work, however, begins after you’ve ran all those calculations.