Dying for the Empire Is Not Heroic

Predictably, the news media spent most of the week examining words Donald Trump may or may not have spoken to the widow of an American Green Beret killed in Niger, in northwest Africa, in early October. Not only was this coverage tedious, it was largely pointless. We know Trump is a clumsy boor, and we also know that lots of people are ready to pounce on him for any sort of gaffe, real or imagined. Who cares? It’s not news. But it was useful to those who wish to distract Americans from what really needs attention: the U.S. government’s perpetual war.

Thoughts on “Me Too” and Sexual Assault (44m) – Episode 086

Episode 086 welcomes Jessica Burden back to the podcast to chat with Skyler about the “Me too” campaign going around Facebook, designed to increase awareness of the prevalence of sexual harassment and sexual assault. They discuss the ways bad parenting practices create and contribute to these problems, the responsibilities of everybody in not hurting other people, and in protecting themselves, what parents can teach not only their sons, but also their daughters, in preparation for dealing with these problems, and many more related topics.

The World Doesn’t Pay You Enough to be Nasty

There’s a reason why we like to get nasty. It’s a lot easier to start a fight than it is to take charge of your life when things seem out of control. Our desire to manipulate others often stems from the need to compensate for our own inability to feel a sense of agency in relation to our goals. We enjoy pulling other people’s strings because those are usually the only strings we know how to pull.

How Game of Thrones Made Me Appreciate Family Values

Graphic violence. Excessive sexuality. Drunken brawling. Betrayal. Deception. Incest. Most people know Game of Thrones for these unsavory plot elements. You wouldn’t think a show like this would teach you to appreciate family values. But for me, Game of Thrones has probably done more to make me appreciate my teetotalling, conservative upbringing than anything produced by the purveyors of “family friendly” entertainment.