Let’s Take a Time Out

Think the following question to yourselves: How come with all of the hundreds of thousands of laws that have been passed since the inception of America, our social structure is collapsing to the point where hateful class warfare has developed? Our infrastructure, our education system, our justice system, our healthcare system, our welfare system and our defense system are all in a deplorable state. Why is it that way?

Voluntary Aggression

Back around the Turn of the Millennium (Y2K), when I became aware in a formal sense of my voluntaryism, my libertarianism, my adherence to the NAP/ZAP (Non-Aggression Principle/Zero Aggression Principle), my recognition that 99.99999% of the Universe functions under anarchy, I also became aware that I needed to reconcile some of my cherished childhood beliefs.

The Boys are Back in Town! (1h29m) – Episode 092

Episode 092 welcomes Skyler’s oldest friends Chase Steffensen and Rob Alvord for a reunion chat. Topics include: free market libraries, favorite podcasts, growing up together, Rob’s band Fat Candice, the history of voluntaryism, cryptocurrency and Heleum, unschooling, Harry Potter, adolescents, Ron Paul, objectivism, buddhist meditation, atheism, the psychology of cults, trespassing as a hobby, Free to Choose, and much more!

Ian’s Journey, Communal Living, & Nonviolent Communication (1h10m) – Episode 090

Episode 090 welcomes Ian Mayes to the podcast for a chat with Skyler. Topics include: libertarian socialism / post-left anarchism and voluntaryism, Max Stirner and egoism, authoritarian parenting, “Taking Children Seriously” movement, living in egalitarian communes, intentional communities, nonviolent communication, Carl Rogers, ideological meetups, trademark-based censorship, Star Trek, and much more.