Silence Is Not Consent in Politics, Either

When you undergo a medical procedure or volunteer for a research study, you’re presented with forms to sign, outlining what’s going to happen (and what bad things could happen), and expressly consenting to have those things happen. If you’re accused of rape, “he or she didn’t physically resist” isn’t an acceptable defense. In fact, express consent is the emerging standard, sometimes to seemingly ridiculous degrees (i.e. re-requesting consent at each stage of an encounter). Consent, I think we can agree, is a big deal in America today.

Overlords of The Deplorables

Political divisions in the USA now appear to have taken an unusually rigid form. There are two large blocs, the pro-Trumpers and the anti-Trumpers, who share little except each one’s hatred of the other. Trump’s policies, whatever they have been or failed to be, have relatively little to do with these divisions, which spring from a deeper source in the culture wars.

Corey C. Returns, Rationality Rules, Solar Industry, & Independent Contractorship (52m) – Episode 366

Episode 366 welcomes back Corey Christiansen to chat with Skyler on the following topics: getting married; Stefan Molyneux’s YouTube ban; the Rationality Rules YouTube channel; his new work in the solar industry; self-reliance; COVID-19 experience in Southern Utah; Trump and why legacy media loves him; 2020 has been a very good year for him; gig economy, independent contractorship, and autonomy; and more.