Jared Interviewed on the Everything Voluntary Podcast (57m) – Episode 026

Episode 026: Jared joins Skyler Collins on “Everything Voluntary” for a chat on his new farm and homestead and diving head first into rural farm-based living; his chickens, sheep, dogs, turkeys and plans for more types of livestock; fruit trees and gardening plans; living in Trump country as a voluntaryist; the difference in personal freedom between urban and rural society; Pacific Northwest secessionary attitudes; and more.

The “Election Interference” Fearmongers Think You’re Stupid

Xi Jinping and Ali Khamenei prefer Joe Biden to Donald Trump. Vladimir Putin prefers Donald Trump to Joe Biden. That’s according to William Evanina, Director of the US National Counterintelligence and Security Center. “Many foreign actors,” he says, “have a preference for who wins the election, which they express through a range of overt and … Continue reading The “Election Interference” Fearmongers Think You’re Stupid

Ten Years After Lieberman’s “Internet Kill Switch,” the War on Freedom Rages On

In 2010, US Senators Joe Lieberman (D-CT), Susan Collins (R-ME), and Thomas Carper (D-DE) introduced their Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act. Better known as the “Internet Kill Switch” proposal for the emergency powers it would have conferred on the president, the bill died without receiving a vote in either house of Congress. A decade later, the same fake issues and the same authoritarian “solutions” continue to dominate discussions on the relationship between technology and state. The real issue remains the same as well.

Banning TikTok, Australian News, & Soviet China (32m) – Episode 342

Episode 342 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: The Trump Administration’s threat to ban social media app TikTok, where that draconian authority comes from (the obviously unconstitutional IEEPA) and Microsoft’s plan to purchase it; Australia requiring companies Google and Facebook to pay licensing fees for sharing news headlines from Australian news sources; and China blocking Hong Kong citizens from leaving with a British overseas passport.

CDA Section 230, 1/3 of 1% COVID-19, Teacher Strikes, & Uighur Slavery (39m) – Episode 339

Episode 339 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: the Trump Administration’s desire to remove CDA Section 230 platform liability protections for altering third party content; the United State surpassing 4 Million COVID-19 cases, which according to recent research is probably 10x higher, producing a death rate of 1/3 of 1%; the possible national teachers’ union strikes over reopening in-person instruction without certain safety precautions; and a coalition group putting pressure on businesses benefiting from Chinese Uighur slavery.