We Need a Political Divorce

I find it irritating how few people discuss political divorce. Do you think these Trump supporters are just going to go away? Do you think these intersectional socialists are just going to find Jesus or something? They aren’t. No government you want is really possible with these people who want something so radically different from you.

Why You Probably Won’t See More “COVID-19 Relief” in October

Both major political parties would have you believe that the devil is in the details — that they’re both fighting hard for particular priorities and just can’t come to a meeting of the minds. In reality, this is all about next month’s elections, which will decide control of the White House for the next four years, and possibly of both houses of Congress for the next two.

Chris J. Returns, Psychedelics, VP Debate, & 3-Pole Political Polarization (58m) – Episode 397

Episode 397 welcomes back Chris Jenkins to chat with Skyler on the following topics: Amazon package delivery woes; CBD and health supplements; use of psychedelics like ketamine and psilocybin (magic mushrooms); Vice Presidential debate in Salt Lake City; Trump’s pummeling of old-man Biden; being woke or red-pilled, and where Skyler would be had he not discovered economics and libertarianism 15 years ago; their new thesis that the political polarization that has occurred the last 20 years has been not been 2-poled, left vs. right, but rather, 3-poled, left vs. right vs. disillusionment; whether being ignorant of economics or being a Keynesian/Marxian is worse; and more.

Socialist Policing, Slave Haunting, Monica Lewinsky, Enabling Trump, & Fusion Movement (31m) – Episode 396

Episode 396 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics from r/blackpeopletwitter and r/whitepeopletwitter: the problem with determining how long police officers should be trained before given a badge and gun; Donald Trump dying and haunting the White House along with the ghosts of the slaves who built it; Monica Lewinsky’s willingness to “take one for the team” and give Trump a blowjob in the Oval Office; Booger says “To hell with [Trump] and all those who enable him.” and I agree; why only a fusion movement can stop authoritarianism, and why that’s a bigger problem than white supremacy.

Trump vs. Biden: Keeping Up With Toddlers and Tiaras

If Daddy hadn’t made and left him a fortune on sweetheart government housing contracts,  Donald Trump would probably be bragging about  how cold the AC runs on the old Ford Escort he’s trying to get off his lot (“BUY HERE! PAY HERE! BAD CREDIT? NO PROBLEM!”) and hoping you don’t notice the transmission slipping when you take it out for a test drive. If Joe Biden had stuck with law, he’d probably be chasing ambulances to emergency rooms, loud plaid sport coat and chartreuse tie thrown across the passenger seat, visions of easy whiplash settlements dancing in his head.