“Politically Motivated”

During the Euromaidan protests, journalists routinely described Ukraine’s prosecution and imprisonment of Yulia Tymoshenko as “politically motivated.”  The phrasing always struck me as odd.  If she were innocent, you’d expect journalists to call the charges “trumped-up” or “false.”  And this “politically motivated” meme is still going strong.*  Which raises a general question: When people dismiss […]

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Why Unity is Bullshit

“Unity” is usually a message to merely shut you up and to get you to go along with bullshit. It is a message of social intimidation. Once a person and/or their values can be justified in defining the group, they perpetuate their power by telling everyone that unity is doing what authority wants. It is perpetuated by those with power and dim people looking to merely get along, and is used to otherize dissent. It is used to make people look at dissenters as disunifiers and for people to make them outcasts.

Glub, Glub, Glub…

The Titanic has already hit the iceberg. Its fate is sealed. It is going down, even if most passengers have no clue about the rising water levels in the lower decks. Those shoveling the coal know the truth.

The Titanic has already hit the iceberg. Its fate is sealed. It is going down, even if most passengers have no clue about the rising water levels in the lower decks. Those shoveling the coal know the truth.

Who do you want conducting the orchest…

In Government We No Longer Trust

The results, so far, of the 2020 US presidential election between Donald Trump and Joe Biden have been nothing so much as chaos – and where they go from here is absolutely anybody’s guess, but I’ll venture one (admittedly obvious) prediction: Whichever “side” loses will regard the outcome as having been stolen and achieved fraudulently by the opposition.

America in Transition: Two Things Donald Trump Can Do to Burnish His Legacy

If Joe Biden is locked in as the next president of the United States, Donald Trump has more than two months remaining in office. During that time, there are several steps he can and should take to burnish his legacy and set himself up to be remembered more kindly than his first four years and ten months in office might otherwise merit. Here are two of them.

A Lot More People Elected Jack Dorsey Than Elected Ted Cruz

You can fire Jack Dorsey from your life right now, by deleting your Twitter account, with no repercussions beyond not being able to use the service he offers. You can’t fire Ted Cruz. Nor can those 4.2 million Texans, at least until 2024. And if you don’t want the “services” he offers, he’ll send enforcers with guns to make sure you accept (and pay for) them anyway, or be caged or killed.