Uncertainty is the Root of the Current Market Craziness

Investors put their money into enterprises under certain tax and regulatory conditions. When  those conditions  start suddenly changing or looking like they may change, the investors worry.  And when they worry, they get more cautious about where their money is and what it’s being used for. They sell off, move their money into what they hope are less volatile assets, and the stock market takes a hit.

Who Owns a Man’s Life?

No doubt, a man can ruin his life by using opioids recklessly. A man can also ruin his life by a reckless use of whores, fast cars, and false religion. Perhaps Trump’s next great proposal will be for capital punishment of pimps, Maserati dealers, and storefront preachers.

Syria: Is Trump Finally Putting America First?

During a visit to Ohio to promote his infrastructure plan on March 29, US president Donald Trump dropped one of the bombshells that Americans have become accustomed to over the last year and a half: “We’ll be coming out of Syria, like, very soon …. Let the other people take care of it now.” If he’s serious, if the more hawkish members of his administration don’t dissuade him, and if he follows through, Trump will be taking a giant step in the right direction on foreign policy.


All things must come to an end, but it seems the frequency has been on an uptick this past week. Members of POTUS’s cabinet have seen the end of their service (Tillerson), or at least the beginning of the end (McMaster, DeVos).