Why Policymaking Won’t Work for Complex Societies (and Why Principles Will) – Part 1

You are not an expert. Even the experts know they are not experts. They will spend their entire lives just grappling with one sub-facet of one of these facets, and their work still won’t be done. To claim to empirically know how to ensure the best outcome for everyone in any issue is folly. Policymaking (the practical utilitarianism used in most political thinking) is an unscalable way to make decisions.


Which is the lesser of two evils — having a lesser evil in public office or having a greater evil moaning about losing?  If the candidate who was the greater of two evils loses thereby, doesn’t that outcome represent a lesser of two evils?

In Love with the Heartbreaking Beauty of the Discomfort

With my body in pain, I looked up at the sunlight and kept my heart open. And I took in the heartbreaking beauty of life. I witnessed it, and found it to be miraculous, pain and struggle and discomfort and all. It wasn’t beautiful in spite of the pain — the pain was a part of its total beauty. The struggle and discomfort itself was heart-renderingly gorgeous, as was everything else in the moment.

Having a Certain Type of Indifference Toward People

One thing I dislike about identity is that everyone wants to take up the reigns of identifying it. Being raised by me, my son would feel no hesitation or shame in being gay or liking traditional feminine things … however, one of the issues I am incredibly irritated by in our society is the increasing trend to shit on preferences that do fit within traditionally considered gender roles.