Entrepreneurship is the Best Defense Against Hierarchy

Self-sufficiency often brings to mind recluses living in the woods, raising their own food, and building their own shelter. This doesn’t have to be the case though. Anybody who has the means of creating enough wealth to trade for their wants and needs is self-sufficient. You don’t need to raise your own food so long as you can trade with somebody who has a surplus of food and is willing to trade it with you. As an entrepreneur you cannot be fired by a boss and you’re not reliant on a state to protect you from an egregious employer.

Imposing Personal Opinions onto Others

The concept of freedom isn’t about other people living their lives the way you live yours. It’s about everyone being free to do whatever they wish so long as their actions do not harm other people or deprive them of their stuff. Put another way, you have no right to impose your personal opinions and beliefs about sexuality, drug use, lifestyle choices, body modifications, religion, and so forth onto others.

The Freedom Hive – Truth, Freedom, Prosperity.

I’ve perceived a need for an action oriented community in my local area. One in which people can come to find solutions that can be incorporated into their lives, and they can then participate in the learning, integrating, and teaching processes that we all have to offer depending at what stage we are at in moving toward more personal freedom in our lives and the lives of our friends and family.

Consent Under Deceit, or Why Fraud is Aggression

Send him mail. “One Voluntaryist’s Perspective” is an original column appearing sporadically at Everything-Voluntary.com, by the founder and editor Skyler J. Collins. Archived columns can be found here. OVP-only RSS feed available here. My last column titled “Why Adultery is Rape and Robbery” created a lively and enlightening debate across Facebook, reddit, and Liberty.me. After…