School is Bad for Children

Guest post by John Holt. Almost every child, on the first day he sets foot in a school building, is smarter, more curious, less afraid of what he doesn’t know, better at finding and figuring things out, and more confident, resourceful, persistent and independent than he will ever be again in his schooling – or,…

Can a Single Parent Unschool?

Guest post by Jan Hunt. These days, many parents find themselves alone, whether by choice or by circumstances. Many of these parents assume that unschooling is not an option for them, but like many other assumptions, this can be self-fulfilling. Happily, unschooling in single parent families is easier now than it has ever been. With…

Living an Unschooling Life

Guest post by Pam Sorooshian. Unschooling is both easy and difficult to describe. The easy answer is that unschooling means “not schooling,” but it is a lot harder to explain what we do instead of schooling. Unschooling means not depending on the usual school methods. It means no lesson plans, no curriculum, no assignments, no…

What is Unschooling?

Guest post by Nicole Olson. Asking, “What is unschooling?” is a little bit like asking, “What is love?” or “What is happiness?”. It means different things to different people. But within its broad framework, there are some fairly consistent themes and basic beliefs that most unschoolers embrace.What is unschooling… Belief #1: Children are hard-wired to…

Toward a Voluntaryist Praxis

Guest post by Nicholas Hooton.“When philosophy dies, action begins.” – Casey Maddox The overwhelming resurgence of interest in voluntaryist philosophy over the past five years has been inspiring to witness. It enjoyed a brief spotlight in the early 1980s with Carl Watner’s publication of The Voluntaryist newsletter; but the communication technology of the early 21st…