Education and Its Discontents

What is taught to the students at school is basically: “You have no choice in where you will be. If you do not do as I tell you, worse things will happen to you. If you follow orders, better things will happen to you.” The subject here is learning to accept the basic context of being in a prison and to follow orders to escape a worse fate. The kind of learning environment that I support can more or less fit under the category of unschooling.

Family is… Forever?

The greatness of family is that you have people who have significant investment in you and an ingrained community. This can offer wonderful support and resources in life. Unfortunately, people often use people’s sense of the indispensability of family as a means of leverage.

Gratitude to Overcome Boredom, Difficulties, Complaining, & Feeling Overwhelmed

As many give thanks for what’s in their lives this week, we might look at how to go deeper with gratitude. “Gratitude” seems like a trite and even perhaps boring topic to many — we all know we should be grateful. And yet, there are ways that we aren’t cultivating gratitude … and our lives could be much easier, even richer, if we did use gratitude in these deeper ways. Let’s take a few examples.