Negative Balance of Trade? So What?

Although the topic may appear daunting, the essence of the matter is utterly simple. As a fair approximation, each international transaction, whether it be buying, selling, borrowing, or lending across a national border involves a willing party on each side—importers want to purchase goods from sellers abroad, lenders want to lend to borrowers abroad, and so forth. Each party to the transactions expects to benefit by entering into it. In a sane and just world, that would be the end of the matter.

Things to Keep in Mind During the Health Care Debate

Politicians, of course, can declare a right to medical care, but those are mere words. What counts is what happens after the declaration. Since a system in which everyone could have, on demand, all the medical care they wanted at no cost would be unsustainable, the so-called right to medical care necessarily translates into the power of politicians and bureaucrats to set the terms under which medical services and products may be provided and received.

Start Opening Your Damn Eyes

There are only two things that can stop a “government” from becoming totalitarian: 1) a hard and fast, unbreakable “rule” that specifically and clearly limits what political “authority” may be used for; 2) the good graces and self-restraint of politicians. The problem is, neither of those exist in the real world.

Anarchy, By Definition, Is Voluntary

Anarchy means “no rulers.” This is key. It is key because if your brand of anarchy requires you to dismantle, or take, or otherwise forcefully remove from me that which I voluntarily acquired as mine (i.e. – property) (and regardless of whether or not you see it that way – your p.o.v. is irrelevant) without my approval, you have placed yourself and your philosophy above me as a person. I am now a serf, and you are my ruler.