Corporatism, Social Media Dangers, Self-Enslavement, Back Talk, Forced Egalitarianism (27m) – Episode 265

Episode 265 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: the effects of corporatism on growing businesses and industries; the dangers of social media to schooled preteens, particular girls; how property is a form of self-enslavement; why he doesn’t punish his children for talking back to him; how egalitarians are like the Communists and Fascists in their creation of a “New Man”; and more.

On Property

In a sick and twisted way, property is a form of slavery. No, I do not mean that claiming property rights is enslaving to other people. What I mean is that claiming property rights in something means that you must either hold fast to or abandon it when it’s being threatened.

Rhetorical Hocus Pocus

You and I owe society and nation nothing, and neither of these abstractions owes, or can owe, us anything. When national political leaders purport to place obligations on us, they are attempting to sucker us into doing what they want us to do by claiming that we have a legitimate obligation to do it.