Everything Voluntary – Preface

Table of ContentsPrevious – Foreword Preface If I may take a personal route, this book is the culmination of the last 7 years of my academic life. It’s been quite the intellectual journey. I’ve evolved from a progressive liberal to a free-market conservative to a laissez faire libertarian, and finally, a voluntaryist (or voluntarist). Of…

Physical Proof en Route

The publication of Everything Voluntary – From Politics to Parenting is coming along. I’ve already proofed it digitally, and the recommended-for-first-timers physical proof copy is en route. I expect to finalize everything and have it available the week of the 21st. In the mean time, check out the CreateSpace.com product page, where purchases yield me a…

First Endorsements for the Book

Here are the first endorsements I’ve received for the book: “A wonderful selection of first-rate essays on one of the most important principles of civilized life—cooperating with people instead of controlling, taxing, dragooning, bullying or bombing them. Bravo, Skyler Collins!” – Lawrence W. Reed, president, Foundation for Economic Education. “This book contains a very useful,…