Why We Must “Politicize” Guns

Every time there’s a mass shooting, or even a particularly well-publicized single homicide, all of America’s political factions go directly to battle stations on the question of whether or not the violence can be reduced or eliminated with “gun control” legislation. As the debate rages on, the calls begin to ring out from different corners that whatever else we do, we must avoid “politicizing” the issue. Have you ever noticed that the “let’s not get political” talk always seems to emanate from the side that perceives itself as on the losing end of the argument at the moment?


I heard a radio program, this morning addressing the issue of politicians accused of dirty politics in our justice system.  In the particular cases, the alleged corruption-mongers skated based on narrow technical interpretations of laws under which the prosecution had, perhaps unwisely, chosen to proceed.  The short-term lesson seemed to be that the laws were not sufficient to stop the corrupt behavior.

Homeschooling Summit, Chelsea Manning, & A Thought Experiment (26m) – Editor’s Break 053

Editor’s Break 053 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: The Homeschooling and Liberty Summit, which begins February 1st, 2018 (homeschoolingandliberty.com), Chelsea Manning and her support for a universal basic income program, government shutdowns, a thought experiment on voluntaryism, why you can’t fix politics by electing better people, and more.

The Reformulation of Rights as Liberties

Everyone and their mom likes to posit that humans have rights, and they shan’t be violated. Some say the source of these rights are God, or the gods. Others say that our rights were bestowed upon us by nature. Others, by “government” (Oy!). Through my study of this concept and the evolution of where my thinking on it stood, I have decided, for now at least, that “rights” are just liberties.

Ambition, the Presidency, Types of Laws, & Indoctrination (25m) – Editor’s Break 049

Editor’s Break 049 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: the necessity of ambition in the economic realm by entry level employees, the missing silver lining from the Trump presidency, the voluntaryist perspective on politics and law, how to know what really matters to you, indoctrination in occupational training, and more.