These charlatans know full well that, for example, the public interest they claim to serve is nothing but a rhetorical cloak for the benefits they seek to channel at public expense to their friends and supporters.
Tag: politicians
Strange Ideas
Sometimes, idea-oriented people have no shutoff valve. Politicians often have this affliction. They never met an idea that they didn’t like, but cost, intervention, and Rube Goldberg-ishness turn idea-attractions into love affairs. Their confirmation biases block any words to the wise.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Have you ever known someone with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)? I am very reluctant to label anybody in that way. First of all, I am a follower of Thomas Szasz, who cautioned strongly against using labels. Secondly, in the broader scheme of things, evolution may look like aberation from the sanctum of the “normal.”
Spaghetti Code
Spaghetti Code is a computer programming term referring to poor design. In most instances, the making of law resembles a pot of spaghetti on a full boil.
Another Set of 2018 Predictions
In 2018, we will see: POTUS commits a gaffe; POTUS spends taxpayer funds on golf; POTUS eggs on North Korea…
Political Interests, National Security, & Moral Imperialism (24m) – Editor’s Break 038
Editor’s Break 038 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: political vs. public interest, forgiving others of the mistakes they make, Trump’s foolish approach to national security, trusting people to choose political leaders but not to take care of themselves and others, moral imperialism, and much more.
Retroactively Undone and Repealed
When cops get caught planting evidence, lying under oath, etc., sometimes other pending or past cases which relied upon the testimony of that cop also get thrown out. Now suppose that that principle was applied to politicians.
What the Response to the Challenge of Jurisdiction Should Tell You
Challenging jurisdiction is a very effective way to reveal the emptiness of the claims made by law enforcement, prosecutors, bureaucrats, and politicians. These folks exist, supposedly, to protect us from predators and to lead us forward toward our collective destiny of equality and prosperity for all. That’s the constant message we receive throughout our lives, anyway. And it’s complete horseshit.
Status Symbol
I saw a Porsche SUV today. Now I’m really confused. Either the driver had a tremendous , if off-the-wall, sense of humor, or there is for sure somebody out there more confused than me.
Legislators, Know Thy Limits
Technology is hardly the forte of the legislature. There are fundamental differences between a body of random people whose sole qualification is the ability to get voted into office, and entrepreneurs, who risk their own skin in the game, rather than risking the lives and livelihood of millions of others.