The Euphemism of Libertarianism

Editor’s Pick. Written by Christopher Zimny for The libertarian world can be summed up, ultimately, as freedom from crime. Based on the principles of private property and non-aggression, many anarcho-capitalist writers propound and rework “ideal” visions of a “libertarian world”. Events and interactions in such a world usually include, for example, a free market…

The Right to Self-Defense

Written by Andrew Napolitano for In all the noise caused by the Obama administration’s direct assault on the right of every person to keep and bear arms, the essence of the issue has been drowned out. The president and his big-government colleagues want you to believe that only the government can keep you free…

Why Be an Anarchist?

Written by Free Your Kids. Why be an anarchist? Going with the flow would be much easier. The path is far less daunting. If one speaks of ending the state, he is immediately dismissed as naive, out-of-touch, and, quite possibly, a terrorist. So many regard government as sacrosanct. Calling the state immoral is a fine…

Initiation of Force

Written by Harry Hoiles, as published in The Voluntaryist, October 1992. The initiation of force against peaceful people is always wrong. Yet most citizens of our country support this initiation of force when it is used to collect taxes. Why do they do so? Is it because they can’t visualize a government which is voluntarily…