Foreign Policy, Part I

While I favor Agorism, Voluntaryism, and Anarcho-Capitalism, I do have a solid knowledge base on the United States Constitutional Republic. This article will focus on normative foreign policy in this context,  and later articles will deal with more philosophically palatable foreign policy questions.

Misplaced Trust

If someone hated you and wanted you to die, would you follow their health advice? Would you let them talk you into behaviors you knew were risky? Would you listen to them at all? Yet, people let government employees tell them what rights they have.


My closet collapsed in the middle of the night. A calamitous noise brought me upright, my eyes wider than humanly possible. I first blamed the cats. But when I turned on a light, I saw that a lion’s part of my earthly possessions lay on the closet floor in disarray.

Discrimination Should Be Left Legally Alone

Despite my skepticism about fairness, I’m in favor of everyone doing their best to make others feel as though fairness is real. There’s really only one way to do this. Just stay out of the way and let everyone exercise their right to choose who to do business with. Both as a provider and as a customer. Don’t infringe anyone’s right of association.