
I am a member of the collective of those who love our farm, those who love the land of Kentucky, those who love the land of the US, those who love North America, those who love the Americas, those who love the Western Hemisphere, those who love the World, those who love the Solar System, the Milky Way, the Universe, the Universes.

Depopulating Palestine, Dehumanizing the Palestinians

One might have thought that, in the wake of the Nazi regime’s systematic crimes against humanity last century, dehumanization would have become unthinkable once and for all. Unfortunately, this has not been the case. It has shamefully continued unabated, the assorted perpetrators including, with tragic irony, those who themselves were victims of Nazi dehumanization. Dehumanization is…

The Dangers of an Unvaccinated Mind

As bad as the worst diseases to have plagued humankind have been, there is something that is far more vicious, cruel, savage, monstrous and deadly than a bad disease: A bad idea. Infectious diseases can spread quickly through an unvaccinated or otherwise uninoculated population, resulting in the suffering and death of many. The vaccine of bad ideas is free speech.


I did run into a spiderweb on my porch this morning.  My blithe forehead snagged one or more strands of the silky stuff.  But I don’t know whether I have activated some god-like black avenger that will eventually see me in my grave.  It’s the not knowing that is the point.