Exploiting Children 101

These poor, ignorant children are being bullied and pressured—by teachers, parents, the media, and their peers—into joining this completely fake and fabricated “demonstration,” so the power-happy psychos in “government” can pretend that their latest peasant-disarmament plan has something to do with “saving the children!” To use kids in this way is downright revolting.

The Result of Empty Belief Systems

Now, starting with tiny little mentions here and there, gradual whittling away at their empty belief systems, socialism has reached the point where it is being openly pushed by plenty of politicians, pundits, “news” outlets, etc. And since most people never knew what the word meant to begin with, now that it’s NOT spoken of as a taboo concept, they forgot why they ever objected to it.

How the State Has Usurped the Administration of Justice

In every “The State vs.” suit, the defendant is being accused of violating an applicable law. Everything else is secondary, and in every case the injured party is “The State”, not the actual victim(s) of a violent crime. The grievance being redressed is not that which is being held by the true victim(s) of a violent crime, but that of “The State” having its rules disobeyed. And what is the result of a conviction in such a criminal suit brought by “The State”? The defendant is charged, must pay some fine to which “the State” will profit, and/or lose his freedom by being forcefully kidnapped and thrown in prison, of which his life expenses are paid not by “the State”, but by everybody else, including the original victim(s).

Scammers and Their Enthusiastic Victims

One guy is sending money to a “woman” who is coming to America to be his bride. She keeps needing more and more money due to various problems that crop up. But, finally, a week or so back, he was sending her the money for the plane ticket! Hallelujah! But, oops. Apparently, her taxi was involved in a terrible wreck on the way to the airport. Now she’s in the hospital unable to speak, but the hospital was able to get in touch with the man to tell him how much he must send to pay her hospital bill. So that she can recover and come marry him, of course. Ugh.

Instead of Good vs. Evil: Creative vs. Destructive Acts

Many people in our post-religious world are skeptical of the categories of “good” vs. “evil.” And they should be. Most of us inherit duty-based moralities that have tradition behind them, but little enough clear reasoning. And since most inherited religious moral codes differ from modern peoples’ intuitions and inclinations, most people are even more likely to write off “good” and “evil” as outdated notions. But we all still ask the question “how should we act?”