Moderation Can Be Vicious

Compromise is often a good thing; it’s often useful to meet people halfway on something so everyone can at least be content enough to settle some disagreement and not fight anymore. And when someone shows no ability or willingness to bend at all, he will often be seen as hard-headed, stubborn, even extreme. However, the idea that compromise and “moderation” are always automatically good things is completely bogus.


Eons from now, when the successors are reviewing the extinction of homo sapiens, they may say that though his ability to use the miraculous hand for grasping physical things was amazing, his mental ability, seemingly enabled by logic and reason, failed when it came to grasping reality.

Self-Governance, Rationality, and Secession

Contemplation is a form of internal emigration or mental secession, and every contemplative knows how valuable it can be for the life of the mind. Libertarian secession – a striving for full sovereignty over one’s private property and the physical space delimited by it – is a natural extension of the contemplative impulse from the realm of pure throught to the realm of action.