Excessive: Bail Isn’t Meant to Enable the Holding of Political Prisoners

The US Constitution’s Eighth Amendment forbids “excessive bail” in criminal prosecutions. That prohibition seems somewhat vague. I guess we’re just expected to know excessive bail when we see it. Two current cases demonstrate not just excessive bail, but abuse of the whole idea of bail for the purpose of holding un-convicted defendants as political prisoners.

Natural Law in a Nutshell

Natural Law is the source of your rights. It does not depend on humankind, and it is universally valid. It cannot be voided or amended by kings, constitutions, or legislatures. It is the universe in harmony with reason. It’s not a new idea. Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, Thomas Aquinas, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Immanuel Kant, Thomas Jefferson, and many others have taught it in one form or another.

Jason’s Journey, and Challenging Ideas (1h2m) – Episode 082

Episode 082 welcomes Jason Marlow to the podcast for a challenging conversation with Skyler. Topics include: Being born in Brazil, Rush Limbaugh conservatism, Ron Paul and libertarianism, personal responsibility, what makes good neighbors, self-segregation, forced integration, political anthropology, the state as an ever-present hungry dragon and how to deal with it, importance of cultural collectives against the dragon, looking beyond libertarianism, Western civilization, the human story, ingroup privilege, and the European migrants.