
Mark Twain once opined, “If you don’t read the newspaper, you are uninformed. If you do read the newspaper, you are misinformed.”  One can only imagine what he might have said about cable news.  There are vast numbers of the public, however, who form their convictions from headlines and teasers.  Those few who stick around long enough to get the proffered stories are regaled with inaccuracies.

Influences IV

This is another disparate group of influences, R. Buckminster Fuller, Edward Tufte, Douglas Hofstadter.  The first is from the 60s, the second from the 90s, and the third from the first decade of the 21st Century, in the order that they came into my life.  But all three think outside of the boxes which have contained so many of us.

Sick, Sick People

On a local FB page, someone had posted a meme begging people not to publicize upcoming police “checkpoints”, saying something like “what if someone’s child dies because you helped a drunk avoid the checkpoint?” I stated that I would rather risk a few drunk drivers than armed highwaymen shaking down travelers for their “papers”.

Maintaining Victim Fluidity

The difference between crimes and non-crimes is that with the former, you have a real, identifiable victim, but with the latter, you don’t. Therefore, the government stands in place and assigns itself victimhood in order to bring charges. The more charges it brings as a victim (eg. The State vs…), the more revenue it generates. The more dynamically ambiguous it identifies itself as a victim, the richer and more entrenched in the fabric of society it gets.