Bernie’s Bozo Boondoggle (or, How to Keep Low-Income Workers Unemployed)

According to the press release from Sanders’s Senate office, Stop BEZOS “aims to end corporate welfare by establishing a 100 percent tax on corporations with 500 or more employees equal to the amount of federal benefits received by their low-wage workers. For example, if a worker at Amazon receives $2,000 in food stamps, the corporation would be taxed $2,000 to cover that cost.”

Has Trump Been Good for Libertarianism?

I saw someone post that Trump is the most libertarian president and there was a long thread of people debating this. I think this idea is super wrong, and likely a hard stance to defend. I don’t think any of my friends would take the challenge to try to defend Trump as a libertarian president. That being said. I think I will make a post of why I believe Trump provides the presidency that libertarians should love the most since, at least Nixon, but probably since Grover Cleveland.

The True Criminals

Some people refuse to mince words. They insist that individuals who enter the USA without the national government’s approval are criminals. Consider, however, that the U.S. government has no constitutional authority whatsoever over immigration, only over naturalization.

5 Tips to be Effective in Court

Getting traffic tickets sucks and defending yourself in court is a daunting task, but can be well worth the effort.  You can be held in contempt for asking a question and let’s face it, traffic courts are run by criminals who are not interested in being fair.  But, despite that, we still get tickets thrown out.  Below are five proven tips to help you be more effective in court. 

The Fatal Flaw

Most Americans come to conclusions randomly. They believe what they read in the newspapers, depending upon which newspaper they read. They see the corruption, lying and cheating that goes on before their very eyes and haven’t the foggiest idea of what goes on behind the closed doors of government.