The Good Place

This morning I was listening to an older but still excellent iTunes University segment from Robert Higgs.  It got me to think about markets versus government.  Perhaps we think too often of these as mutually exclusive spheres.  But what if Murphy’s Law is true — that if things can go wrong, they will? 

John Bolton versus the International Criminal Court: A Simple Solution

Why is Bolton suddenly so concerned with protecting notions of “sovereignty” (he uses the word nine times) that the US government itself routinely ignores at its convenience, claiming global jurisdiction over individuals and organizations outside its own borders in matters ranging from the 17-year “war on terror” to its financial regulation and sanctions schemes?

Why All The Socialism?

I’ve been listening to someone who deeply believes in government. Believes it has the best interest of the people at heart. Believes it has a place in society. Believes it is necessary and usually good, even if it sometimes messes up. It’s painful for me. The mental gymnastics it takes to believe such nonsense staggers my mind. It’s disappointing because I usually enjoy listening to Scott Adams, but his recent socialism kick is extremely misguided and dishonest.

On Government Parasitism

A clever and effective parasite will not only feed on its host as long as possible, but will do so in such a way that removing it will be fatal. As long as the parasite can stretch its tendrils into the most vulnerable places of its host, the host will be forced to sustain it if it wants to remain alive. The analogy that government is a parasite is oft made by libertarian types, and for very good reason.