Don’t Make a Politician Your Leader

Politicians rarely lead. Their normal approach is to rule. If you doubt this, refuse to “follow” where a politician tells you to go. If you’re allowed to take your own path without punishment, then perhaps the politician was also a leader. If, instead, threats of government violence result from your independence, you aren’t dealing with a leader, but with a ruler.

Law Enforcement, Bias, & Waco: A Conversation with Pete Raymond (aka Mance Rayder) (57m) – Episode 011

Episode 011: “I learned a valuable lesson after my interview with Pete… my microphone sucks. I apologize in advance for the poor audio quality. Having said that, Pete was kind enough to stop by the show to discuss a myriad of issues that affect us today, from the crooked criminal justice system to the nefarious indoctrination by government schools.”

Why Wait for 2021? End the Federal War on Marijuana Now!

The Boston Globe‘s Naomi Martin and James Pindell report that all of 2020’s formally declared “major party” presidential candidates say they support legalizing marijuana at the federal level. Yes, that includes President Trump. Great idea! But why should the nearly 2/3 of Americans who want marijuana legalized spend the next 20 months listening to these candidates promise to make it happen? At least eight of them are in a position to get the job done now.