Why You Probably Won’t See More “COVID-19 Relief” in October

Both major political parties would have you believe that the devil is in the details — that they’re both fighting hard for particular priorities and just can’t come to a meeting of the minds. In reality, this is all about next month’s elections, which will decide control of the White House for the next four years, and possibly of both houses of Congress for the next two.

Tom Bell: Choose Your Own Government (1h2m)

This episode features an interview of law professor Tom W. Bell from 2018 by Trevor Burrus and Aaron Powell, hosts of the Free Thoughts podcast. They talk about the emerging trend of bottom up governments. Private providers increasingly deliver services that political authorities formerly monopolized, inspiring greater competition and efficiency. They discuss this quiet revolution that is transforming governments with the potential to bring more freedom, peace and prosperity to people everywhere.

Shame and Bully People

One thing I dislike about people who discuss social justice and other such ideas is that they are merely trying to shame and bully people into having a singular idea regarding certain complex social concepts. This runs extremely contrary to how I think the world should run. It feels very socially and emotionally tyrannical.

An Arm of The State

Imagine an ostensibly independent source of information, constantly bombarding the public, that ceaselessly fans the fires of fear and group hatred. Could anything be of greater use to the government as it seeks to mislead and thus control people?

Work or Starve, Homeownership, Effects of Inequality, & Do Good and Evil Exist? (27m) – Episode 395

Episode 395 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following questions from Quora: “Why do capitalists say that capitalism is voluntary when it is not because if you do not work, you die?”; “Why does the government encourage homeownership?”; “How does inequality affect the economy?”; and “Does good and evil exist? Are they merely social constructs?”