What the Response to the Challenge of Jurisdiction Should Tell You

Challenging jurisdiction is a very effective way to reveal the emptiness of the claims made by law enforcement, prosecutors, bureaucrats, and politicians. These folks exist, supposedly, to protect us from predators and to lead us forward toward our collective destiny of equality and prosperity for all. That’s the constant message we receive throughout our lives, anyway. And it’s complete horseshit.

Could I Be Wrong?

Yes, I could. How might I be wrong? This is a question everyone needs to ask of themselves now and then. And, it’s a question which needs to be considered carefully enough that the answer makes itself known to you. Making sure you know how you might be wrong isn’t self-absorption. It’s self awareness and a recognition that you can be wrong. Anyone can.

Why Policymaking Won’t Work for Complex Societies (and Why Principles Will) – Part 1

You are not an expert. Even the experts know they are not experts. They will spend their entire lives just grappling with one sub-facet of one of these facets, and their work still won’t be done. To claim to empirically know how to ensure the best outcome for everyone in any issue is folly. Policymaking (the practical utilitarianism used in most political thinking) is an unscalable way to make decisions.