Strange Ideas

Sometimes, idea-oriented people have no shutoff valve.  Politicians often have this affliction.  They never met an idea that they didn’t like, but cost, intervention, and Rube Goldberg-ishness turn idea-attractions into love affairs.  Their confirmation biases block any words to the wise.

Points of Ignorance

I don’t expect a person to be an expert in everything, but when you are completely ignorant in some area, you have a responsibility to not open your yap and ignorantly preach at others. It’s why I respected Stephen Hawking’s contributions to science, but discounted his opinions about government. In one area he was an expert; in the other he was as ignorant as any gutter drunk. And I could point out example after example.

Parent Partnership, Statism, Historical Indoctrination, & Socialism’s Appeal (30m) – Editor’s Break 069

Editor’s Break 069 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: being our child’s partner through difficult challenges, like getting pregnant at a young age; the undesirability, unnecessity, and avoidable nature of statism; how government schools indoctrinate, particularly through teaching history; the rhetorical appeal of socialism; and more.


Any enemy will seek to disarm you.  First, they will take away promises that you made on their behalf.  A people who thought they could hold bad government at bay with words made a declaration of independence first — these are things a people will not tolerate coming from someone who wants to rule them.

Propaganda, Interventionism, Free Expression, and “Yes” Parenting (35m) – Editor’s Break 068

Editor’s Break 068 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: free speech and propaganda, government intervention trying to solve real or fake socio-economic problems, the importance of free expression and why coercively prohibiting it can lead to violence, the unschooling parent’s goal of saying “Yes!” to their children as often as possible, advice to the world to not hurt people, to not take their stuff, and to not ask permission, and more.