
I did run into a spiderweb on my porch this morning.  My blithe forehead snagged one or more strands of the silky stuff.  But I don’t know whether I have activated some god-like black avenger that will eventually see me in my grave.  It’s the not knowing that is the point.

Cultural Marxism’s Fundamental Flaw

Cultural Marxists would argue that cisgendered “white” heterosexual males have, at least in the Western world (and for heterosexual males, the entire world), been the group that has oppressed all others, those who identify with groups such as women, “people of color”, homosexuals, and transgenders. Seems inarguable as we survey the history of the West, does it not? And as oppressors, they have enjoyed political and legal privileges not afforded these other groups. This also seems inarguable as we survey history. But there seems to me to be something wrong with this so-called “critical theory” approach to topics of oppression and privilege.

We Are All Bigots

I strongly believe that the current language and concepts we use to discuss issues of race and gender lead to vastly more bigotry and it largely explains the growth of white nationalism from a couple of losers to a couple more losers. It seems impossible to believe that the shift in language has done anything productive towards getting better treatment for anyone.

Children’s Friends, Bullied Children, Adult Children-Parent Dynamics, & Raising Genders Equally (29m) Editor’s Break 070

Editor’s Break 070 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: whether or not we should allow our teenage children to befriend homosexuals, how to help a child who’s being bullied at school, why adult children may never wish to see their parents again, three ways to raise both male and female children equally, and more.

Psychology Goes Toe-To-Toe With Totalitarianism in Carl Jung’s “The Undiscovered Self”

To most of us living in the 21st century, it’s easy to forget that weapons exist which could easily destroy life on the planet a few times over. Jung was not ignorant of that. What’s more, he was living through a time when that kind of warfare seemed likely. The world had just lived through the destruction of two world wars, the Russian Revolution, the rise of fascism and National Socialism, and the Holocaust. In 1957, it was not certain that Communism would not spread over the whole world.

The Road

It’s difficult to decide what single action would make gender inequality go away. If getting rid of POTUS would do the trick, I say “off with his head!” But neither the direction nor the facts are crystal clear. Look at the history already exposed. It’s not linear. The future is as unpredictable as the weather. Turbulence may pop up anywhere. Where shall we hold the March? Which road shall we take?