Lookism, Colonizing Mars, Expectations, Gender Expression, & Egalitarianism (25m) – Episode 270

Episode 270 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: what lookism is and why it’s absurd; his view on colonizing Mars and the space program; why parental expectations of children should begin and end with joy; the infinite number of genders in the world; why markets are best suited toward bringing about egalitarian ideals; and more.

The Women’s March Stance on Reproductive Rights is All For The Erasure of Fertility, Not For Women

As much as I see myself as a woman who radically cares for the health and well-being and rights of women, I just can’t get behind the modern, liberal feminist movement that feels so rampant today, precisely because I don’t see that it carries similar values as I do. It touts that it does, but I see it all as a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

On Gender Expression III

If we are to categorize gender expression as genders, then there aren’t 2 genders, or even 70 genders, but 7.53 billion genders, and counting. Every person on earth has a gender and expresses it in a unique way. Therefore it follows that every unique expression by every person on earth is its own gender.

Philosophical Tools: In-Group Preference

As humans, we seek familiarity, commonality, comfort. We seek people like us with whom to relate. It’s only natural. We develop in-group preferences, not a bad thing, but interesting. The reason I find this interesting is that I’ve developed my own theory on in-group preference. I call the dichotomy: Quantitative in-group preference and Qualitative in-group preference.