Tell the Truth

Mark Twain wrote, “When in doubt, tell the truth.”  That seems, on its face, to be simple enough, but what does it mean?  We live in a land of lawyers, where what is the truth becomes more and more a matter for speculation.  POTUS has labeled a whole genre of purported information as “Fake News.”  But what does that mean?  Does it mean news that he doesn’t like, or does it mean misinformation for which determinate  proof of falsity exists?

Uncertainty is the Root of the Current Market Craziness

Investors put their money into enterprises under certain tax and regulatory conditions. When  those conditions  start suddenly changing or looking like they may change, the investors worry.  And when they worry, they get more cautious about where their money is and what it’s being used for. They sell off, move their money into what they hope are less volatile assets, and the stock market takes a hit.

Anti-Gun Laws Good for Criminals

Anti-gun laws make criminals safer. “Gun free zones” are gun free only until some evil loser decides to go on a killing spree and chooses a target where he knows he’ll be free to kill. When that happens there are suddenly too few guns; the only guns present being in the wrong hands. This is mandated by law. It makes the killer’s cruel task easier and deadlier, and doesn’t boost the safety of the kids or teachers.

Many Crappy Studies = One Good Study

“One study, which didn’t directly examine this topic, but was following a sort of similar thing 20 years ago, although controversial and some say non-reproducible, might not have had the proper data collecting methods and didn’t control for X,Y, and Z, but seemed to show a relationship like this, and that kind of seems to imply this other relationship I’m talking about.  Of course it’s not definitive so take it with a grain of salt, but even if just roughly, directionally true, it at least doesn’t disprove my theory.”