Their Own Crummy Societies

Humans are naturally envious, resentful people who lust after what other people have to various degrees. The larger the wealth disparity, the more envious and resentful commies/looters become. This is why we need a more gentle version of helicopter rides … decentralization (my solution to everything).

Maintaining Victim Fluidity

The difference between crimes and non-crimes is that with the former, you have a real, identifiable victim, but with the latter, you don’t. Therefore, the government stands in place and assigns itself victimhood in order to bring charges. The more charges it brings as a victim (eg. The State vs…), the more revenue it generates. The more dynamically ambiguous it identifies itself as a victim, the richer and more entrenched in the fabric of society it gets.

Stupider than Sheep

Sheep, we may presume, do not believe that their shepherd, who decides when to shear and when to slaughter them, acts in their best interest and accordingly seeks only to protect, preserve, and enhance the quality of their fold and grazing range. Sheep thereby demonstrate that they are not so easily bamboozled as humans.