Lessons of the South Asian Swastika

When he was living in Burma, graphic novelist Guy Delisle noticed quite a few swastikas.  Indeed, much of south Asia is full of swastikas.  It’s not because they’re Nazi sympathizers.  The swastika was a south Asian symbol until the Nazis ripped them off. Now imagine you’re visiting south Asia and see a group of natives strolling around in swastikas.  How should you react – and what should you do?  There are two main routes.

5 Ways Travel Can Change Your Education

You may get several higher educations, read thousands of books and attend hundreds of workshops, but if you never leave your city or country, you will never understand the real world. There are too many things that are not described in the books, and there are even more things that are described from the author’s point of you.


Decades ago, it was common wisdom that the Hunt Brothers could not go broke if they threw away hundred dollar bills as fast as they could pick them up and toss them. It was thought to be an NP-Hard problem. But the Hunt Brothers did figure out how to do it.