A Catch-22 in Organizing for the Pursuit of Liberty

There’s a Catch-22 in regard to efforts aimed at diminishing state domination and enlarging genuine liberty. A substantial number of people may support these goals, but in order to achieve real gains, they must organize to raise money, build public support, and obstruct the state’s attempts to plunder and bully them. The catch is that the organizations they create are run by organizers or managers who have incentives to turn their organizations into vehicles for their own power-quest or for workaday jobbery.

Foolish Statists

Why would anyone be surprised that when the government investigates itself we the people do not hear the truth, insiders are rigging the investigation, and the deep state is never held accountable?  This is not a flaw of the people (though they are all evil people), this is a flaw of the system.

Problematic Inarticulation

Human language, as well as symbolic rationality, leaves much to be desired in terms of communication.  If it is trial and error, then it is 100% trial and 99.999 … % error.  Because we humans are stuck with language, we are effectively walled off from fact, we are effectively walled in by perception.


I heard a radio program, this morning addressing the issue of politicians accused of dirty politics in our justice system.  In the particular cases, the alleged corruption-mongers skated based on narrow technical interpretations of laws under which the prosecution had, perhaps unwisely, chosen to proceed.  The short-term lesson seemed to be that the laws were not sufficient to stop the corrupt behavior.

Free Will, Hypocrisy, Peaceful Coexistence, & Ideas vs. Incentives (45m) – Editor’s Break 054

Editor’s Break 054 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: why he’s been recording fewer episodes lately, corruption among political leaders, distasteful implications of the absence of free will, hypocrisy by Judge Katherine B. Forrest, who put away Ross Ulbricht of the Silk Road for life, the necessity of non-aggression toward the goal of peaceful coexistence, why incentives matter more than ideas in steering society, the high price that must be paid to satiate bigotry toward foreign immigrants, and more.