The Problem Definition Fallacy

Any problem solution algorithm must go through a problem definition stage, but all problem definitions do not lead to an appropriate solution.  You cannot solve, but by random luck, a problem that you do not understand.  And that blind-hog solution will probably not survive downstream consequences for long.

Stopping the Flow

An old TV ad cautioned us, “It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature.”  Yet we persist in trying fictions to stem the tide.  The news is full of ships wrecked on those hazards to navigation.  Let’s pass a piece of legislation outlawing fictions, and the first fiction will be flaunted while the ink is still wet.

Causes and Consequences

Again, I will remind myself and the reader that Ockham’s Razor, while championing simplicity, is actually a call for the optimum.  My understanding of Friar William’s admonition is that the simplest explanation which fits all the facts is the most likely to be true.  There is implied in this that the explanation also must be complex enough to fit all the facts.