Sugar Sandwich, Satanic Temple, Seattle Rideshare, & Michigan Supreme Court (23m) – Episode 394

Episode 394 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following news stories: from, “Sandwiches in Subway ‘too sugary to meet legal definition of being bread'”; from AP News, “Satanic Temple sues company that rejected group’s billboards”; from Reuters, “Seattle approves minimum pay rate for Uber and Lyft drivers”; and from Fox2 Detroit, “Michigan Supreme Court strikes down Whitmer’s virus orders; Gov. fires back”.

Lucky Success, Video Gaming, Respecting Elders, & Company Loyalty (29m) – Episode 393

Episode 393 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following entries to r/unpopularopinion: Mountain-Bid-4962 writes, “Luck plays a bigger part of success than society wants to admit it does”; ellecon writes, “As a parent, I think gaming is educational and is a great way for a kid/teen to spend their time.”; sstylesh writes, “Respecting your elders just because their older than you doesn’t make sense”; and timleykis101 writes, “Company loyalty is a joke”.

Network Privacy, Future Self & Procrastination, Saving Money, and Your Children (28m) – Episode 030

Episode 030 looks at being careful with what you send and do on your workplace computer; doing favors now for your future self; avoiding procrastination by committing to giving the task just 10 minutes, and seeing where that goes; the importance of saving money; spending minimalistically versus lavishly; and why it’s a good idea to love our kids for who they are instead of what we want them to do.

Radical Woke Feminism, Socialism, & Wizard’s Twelfth Rule (22m) – Episode 392

Episode 392 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following topics: his status as a racist rapist according to racial wokeness and radical feminism; why socialism, or anything besides free market capitalism, is a form of slavery; continuation of the Wizard’s Rules mini-series, Wizard’s Twelfth Rule: “You can destroy those who speak the truth, but you cannot destroy the truth itself.”

Kelly Halldorson: Unschooling Liberty (1h1m)

This episode features a talk by unschooling mom Kelly Halldorson from 2013. She and her family of eight (2 parents, 3 teens, 3 dogs) travel(ed) full-time in a converted school bus known as “The Unschool Bus.” Kelly and her family live, learn, write, make music and art, play, and advocate for liberty from their roving home. They are Ron Paul supporters and passionate advocates for outside-the-system, alternative education methods known as “unschooling.”

Chase S. Returns, Earthships, Hong Kong, & Project Veritas (1h6m) – Episode 391

Episode 391 welcomes back Chase Steffensen to chat with Skyler on the following topics: their food delivery experience; earthships (YouTube), created by Michael Reynolds; the agricultural revolution and what it did to humanity; Hong Kong protests and the China situation; COVID-19 casedemic; Project Veritas and Ilhan Omar voter fraud; Boyce of Reason podcast and listening to other perspectives to learn not to get triggered; the value of debates versus long form discussions found in the podcasting world; and more.

Self-Defense, Modern Capitalism, Tax Cheating, & Bait and Switch (32m) – Episode 390

Episode 390 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following entries to r/shitstatistssay: RustNeverSleeps77 writes, “Breonna Taylor’s boyfriend shot at them, and they returned fire. It was reasonable self-defense…” (Full thread here.); Foucelhas writes, “Modern capitalism would not exist without slavery and genocide.”; DoverBoys writes, “You’re supposed to pay taxes. You’re not ‘smart’ to get away with paying little, you’re just cheating the system. A real supporter of their country would pay taxes. That’s what makes countries work.”; Aditya writes, “We as a society can’t live in a vaccum and isolated from each other (unless you are a part of some tribe living in Andaman or Amazon). Some things are best provided collectively, for they are cheaper and efficient that way.”